Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Turkey time

Messages posted to thread:
Crow 09-Apr-17
blisters1 09-Apr-17
Jim Davis 09-Apr-17
RymanCat 09-Apr-17
RymanCat 09-Apr-17
bigdog21 09-Apr-17
razorhead 09-Apr-17
RymanCat 09-Apr-17
Crow 09-Apr-17
PaPa Doc 09-Apr-17
PaPa Doc 09-Apr-17
RymanCat 09-Apr-17
al snow 09-Apr-17
neuse 10-Apr-17
Brad Lehmann 10-Apr-17
Paul@thefort 10-Apr-17
neuse 11-Apr-17
TrapperKayak 11-Apr-17
RymanCat 11-Apr-17
TrapperKayak 13-Apr-17
MedicineMan 13-Apr-17
mgerard 13-Apr-17
TrapperKayak 14-Apr-17
From: Crow
Date: 09-Apr-17

I would l I ve to get a turkey with a bow and feel i could but only if I had a caller/ guide. I will try this year for the first time in 2o plus years but will be using my new 870 turkey gun.Just hope I can find some birds on public land. Im kinda taking a stab in the dark.

From: blisters1
Date: 09-Apr-17

I'm going out next Monday with my explorer. First try with a bow but I can't wait. Best of luck crow

From: Jim Davis
Date: 09-Apr-17

"hope I can find some birds on public land. Im kinda taking a stab in the dark. "

Start by rearranging those words, if you can. Make it, "Hope I can find some birds in the dark."

I took a moonlight hike on my land and the neighbor's last night and found where two toms roost and noted which way they flew when I startled them.

Makes my opening day prospects better.

From: RymanCat
Date: 09-Apr-17

Did you scout? Did you see scratchings, hocked turds, feathers, dusting spots, strut areas.

You wont find anything if your stabbing in the dark stay home and learn what to do first then go out and look.

From: RymanCat
Date: 09-Apr-17

Plus I think you already lost Crow because your talking about it and if your going where others already did the above what is mentioned you will not hear a bird and think the birds aren't there.

There's so many things to know its a lot and if you don't want to work then whats the outcome a walk in unproductive areas?

From: bigdog21
Date: 09-Apr-17

crow go out about 1 hour before dark try crow call and owl hoot and a shaker call. see if you can get one to answer then if so leave him alone and sneak in that place in the morning with a push button call but only use it after fly down. soft clucks only. why a push button box call its the easiest to use. with luck they may fly down your way.

From: razorhead
Date: 09-Apr-17

I have not heard a gobble since March 29th????? went out this am, hiking ridges, and with binos,,,,,,, this is public state land around my house,,,,,, after 2 hours, came over the ridge, and there were 9 of them, 3 on display, all dead quiet......

shoe leather is the answer to find birds on public land, that you know holds birds,,,,,,,,

no majic, here,,,,, you can sit and call, all day, but first you have to find where the birds are,,,,,

put on the boots and go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

From: RymanCat
Date: 09-Apr-17

You can drive around here and there also and GPS where you saw birds and what time. Ask questions what people seen but be careful of other hunters too. Pretend to be a nature watchers. LOL

Some guys will tell everything though. LOL So ear to the ground.

If you call to your birds your just screwing them up to that's what guys like to do and makes them shy.

From: Crow
Date: 09-Apr-17

I plan on driving and listning. Maybe a couple owl hoots. If i can lkcatem thats where i will be come morning. I also plan on boots on the grohnd. Ive got alot of public forest and ive seen tracks and wing drags and droppings. This is where i squirrel hunt and i know theres birds there but ts also alot alot alot of acerage. I will be on some high ridges with some flats and clearings and plenty of fire trails

From: PaPa Doc
Date: 09-Apr-17

PaPa Doc's embedded Photo

I took my son out on public land in Iowa half hour later he got the job done. Made these today for him.

From: PaPa Doc
Date: 09-Apr-17

PaPa Doc's embedded Photo

It was his first Turkey too. Smoked so me of it today!

From: RymanCat
Date: 09-Apr-17

You can beep the horn too they will call. They don't always answer a hoot. Crow call works also.

From: al snow
Date: 09-Apr-17

I would say I have killed 75% of my turkeys on public land, over the last 40 years. Scout them just before season, learn their daily rounds, and call as little as possible. Also, keep scouting them throughout the season. They are creatures of habit during breeding season, because the hens call the shots. It is all about the hens.

From: neuse
Date: 10-Apr-17

Good thread, I am reading carefully, picking up pointers to use when I get to go out.

From: Brad Lehmann Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member
Date: 10-Apr-17

Brad Lehmann's embedded Photo

I had three toms and three hens behind the house this morning at first light. I went out and lit the smoker and put a brisket on it then came back into the house. The darn things were about thirty yards behind the back porch so I decided to try and stick an arrow in one of the toms. I go into the garage but can't find any trad arrows so I grab my compound but can't find any arrows for it. I find some shafts but there are no broadheads on them. So then I have to find a broadhead, which I find on my wife's hunting arrows. I put one on an arrow and sneak around the far side of the house. The turkeys are about 45-50 yards away at that point, through a net wire fence. So I draw back and let er fly. The arrow gets through the fence all right but misses the turkey to the left. It was the right height, just to the left. My feelings are not hurt because that is the first time in about two years that I have picked up a compound. The birds slowly move to the south and I decide to go try and find my fifteen dollar arrow. While I am looking for it I see the turkeys coming back. I pay them no heed and keep looking for the arrow. I can't find it so I decide enough of that, I don't need to get snake bit looking for arrows anyway and I go back to the house. I come into the house there is the tom about seventy five yards out and just standing there. I decide to try for a head shot with the 223. I miss and the turkeys actually fly away. I think that is the last that I will see of them this year. I go about my business and look out the back door and here they come again. I get the camera and take about a dozen pictures. They keep coming and get into my freshly planted garden. This time I come out the back door at a run, screaming and hollering like a mad man and they leave again. So Crow, if you want to turkey hunt I can offer you a job guarding my garden. You probably won't need a call. I don't know if that is considered hunting over bait to shoot one in the garden but it is legal here and you are welcome to come try. Just leave me a hand full of barred feathers when you leave.

From: Paul@thefort
Date: 10-Apr-17

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo

Public land in Nebraska. 10 yards shot from the DB blind.

From: neuse
Date: 11-Apr-17

So, how far away can a turkey hear an owl or crow call? As a locater call, how close do you need to be before they will respond?

From: TrapperKayak
Date: 11-Apr-17

Within a mile away, they hear it and respond.

From: RymanCat
Date: 11-Apr-17

All depends on if its windy that's why you have to call loud as you can in rain and wind. They aren't any different than us and weather elements.

If your in Mountains they could hear between echos to but on flat land it gets snuffed out easy.

Adverse conditions and varied terrains all add to many variables in the bush.

Its harder dealing with turkeys than it is with women. They can be fickle at times or run you over wanting to get kilt.LOL

From: TrapperKayak
Date: 13-Apr-17


From: MedicineMan
Date: 13-Apr-17

MedicineMan's embedded Photo

I finally got a chance to go for myself (been taking others the first few days of season) and got lucky enough to pull this fella into the decoys. 7 yard shot from my Lonnie Dye selfbow using Super2 broadheads.

From: mgerard Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 13-Apr-17

Congrats guys. I've been scouting for my wife. Her season starts Monday. I run my boxcall, it is loud and I can cover more distance. If I get a response, I leave right away. Will check those spots early and late to locate roost locations.

From: TrapperKayak
Date: 14-Apr-17

Nice one MedicineMan.

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