Traditional Archery Discussions on the Leatherwall

Howard Hill vs Jerry Hill Longbows

Messages posted to thread:
Keekeerun 21-Mar-24
Rick Barbee 21-Mar-24
Rooty 21-Mar-24
Rooty 21-Mar-24
Rick Barbee 21-Mar-24
THarris 21-Mar-24
CStyles 21-Mar-24
Draven 21-Mar-24
Jim 21-Mar-24
Todd the archer 21-Mar-24
Todd the archer 21-Mar-24
Draven 21-Mar-24
gradymaci 21-Mar-24
two4hooking 22-Mar-24
Rick Barbee 22-Mar-24
Rooty 22-Mar-24
r.grider 22-Mar-24
Rooty 22-Mar-24
RiverRat 22-Mar-24
Rick Barbee 22-Mar-24
Rick Barbee 22-Mar-24
Rooty 22-Mar-24
B.T. 22-Mar-24
texking 22-Mar-24
flint kemper 22-Mar-24
RiverRat 22-Mar-24
Rick Barbee 22-Mar-24
RiverRat 22-Mar-24
Rick Barbee 22-Mar-24
Kelly 22-Mar-24
Lastmohecken 22-Mar-24
Kelly 23-Mar-24
pdk25 23-Mar-24
Draven 23-Mar-24
Keekeerun 23-Mar-24
BenMaher 24-Mar-24
Keekeerun 24-Mar-24
fdp 24-Mar-24
Butch 72 24-Mar-24
Shootalot 24-Mar-24
Stephan 28-Apr-24
Stephan 28-Apr-24
Jred 29-Apr-24
Longcruise 29-Apr-24
fdp 29-Apr-24
From: Keekeerun
Date: 21-Mar-24

For you archers who know: are the Howard Hill vs Jerry Hill Longbows pretty much the exact same bow? If not how do they differ to you?

From: Rick Barbee
Date: 21-Mar-24

Depends on what you are calling a Howard Hill bow.

If it is a modern bow from Eken, and Howard Hill Archery, then no Jerry's bows are not the same.

If it is a bow built by Howard Hill, then Jerry's bows are/were built the same way as Howard built his.


From: Rooty
Date: 21-Mar-24

Same as Howards own.

From: Rooty
Date: 21-Mar-24

Bamboo specials and other bamboo models are offset handle, leaf spring construction. Other production bows have a center handle. Wildcat, Safari, Elite etc.

From: Rick Barbee
Date: 21-Mar-24

Rooty knows a lot more about it than I do. He's even built one for himself. :-)


From: THarris
Date: 21-Mar-24

I've shot both, a Howard Hill bow built by Craig Ekin is much smoother to shoot to a bow that used to be built by Jerry. My experience was that Jerry's bow had tremendous hand shock, where as Craig's bows do not.

My opinion, I'm sure others have their own.

Terry Harris

From: CStyles
Date: 21-Mar-24

My experience was the same as THarris. Although I shot the HH years after the Jerry Hill. I think the main difference was the JH bow was all actionwood, while the HH was bamboo.

From: Draven
Date: 21-Mar-24

I don't know, I've shot both and I have Jerry Hills bow and I never had the handshock issue some talk about. I had no handshock issue with none of the ASLs actually I've shot - and I am not a 10+gpp arrow. My favorite is in the 8-9gpp.

From: Jim Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 21-Mar-24

My experience is the same as Terry's and CStyles.

From: Todd the archer Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 21-Mar-24

Not even close. Both shoot, but layout of limbs way different at least on the Jerry Hill custom bow I had made (early 1990’s) to several HHA I’ve had. Jerry’s bow was made with action wood had more hand shock, which I got used to. However it was a good shooter.

From: Todd the archer Professional Bowhunters Society - Qualified Member Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member Compton's Traditional Bowhunters
Date: 21-Mar-24

Should also add Jerry’s bows were built with more backset.

From: Draven
Date: 21-Mar-24

His bows have that curvy limbs to get the backset, not just the way the limbs leave the handle most of the ASL with backset are made.

From: gradymaci Professional Bowhunters Society - Associate Member
Date: 21-Mar-24

No even close.. Jerry sells his bows with a extra set of teeth, and Boy you will need them..

From: two4hooking
Date: 22-Mar-24

You mean the plywood riser Wildcats? There is a reason they are going for less.

From: Rick Barbee
Date: 22-Mar-24

I only ever once had a hand shock problem with one of Jerry's bows, and I've shot probably a dozen or more of them.

I was looking to buy one from a local shop, and indoor range.

It was one of the most beautiful looking longbows I ever laid my eyes on. The shop owner handed it to me along with three arrows, and said "here, go shoot it"

Those arrows rattled me like a jack hammer.

I took it back into the front, and said "man, this things got some kick."

Owner said - "yeah, it's pretty quick."

I said "that's not what I meant. It kicks like a mule when you shoot it. You need to set it up with different/heavier arrows before you let anyone else shoot it."

He let me go through his arrows, find a half dozen that would work with the bow, and get it all tuned up. Shot sweet after that.

I didn't have the dough to buy it right then, but went back the next week to buy it.

Owner said - "Sorry. I didn't think you were coming back, and sold it to another guy a few days after you were here. He fell in love with it immediately. Thanks for fixing it for me."

There's a point in there, "if" you're open minded enough to see it. :-)


From: Rooty
Date: 22-Mar-24

X10 Rick

From: r.grider
Date: 22-Mar-24

The one Jerry Hill i shot would buzz yer bow hand like you would not believe, and the handle was about as comfortable as a razor blade. I would quit shooting if thats all i had to shoot

From: Rooty
Date: 22-Mar-24

After Gram Pa, backset was Howard's preferred build. Jerry had steel rolled in a circle where he cut 6 forms out of. In Jerry's production all bows were built of these forms. A 69" bow which was the Hill family Amo. They would start out with a 2" backset. Overtime some would settle in less. They leaf spring constructed bows would hold the backset much better.

From: RiverRat
Date: 22-Mar-24

A Jerry Hill bow is nowhere near the quality of one built by Howard Hill Archery.

Jerry Hill longbows go for very little money, and most everyone that shoot them agree they are terrible.

If the price they go for doesn't clue you in, well......

The couple of guys that praise them here are Jerry's buddies. Keep that in mind.

From: Rick Barbee
Date: 22-Mar-24

Yes, Jerry & I are very close friends.

My comments had ZERO to do with that friendship, and what I shared was an accurate analogy.

HH Archery never has built longbows the way Howard Hill preferred, and built them for himself. Jerry did.

Jerry built the more expensive custom bows, and the low expense production bows. He did those productions bow in an effort to make it more affordable for someone to get into it, and he worked very VERY hard toward that end.

My absolute favorite longbow was an HH Wesley Special. I'm sure you know, but just so you know "I" know, the HH WS is built by HH Archery. Not Jerry.

I haven't disparaged other products, or persons. Might keep that in mind before being tempted to bring my integrity into question.


From: Rick Barbee
Date: 22-Mar-24

I should have lead into my last comment with:

"Hey there Chuck"



From: Rooty
Date: 22-Mar-24

Some know. Most will never know.

From: B.T.
Date: 22-Mar-24

When the ASL guys start arguing over who’s ASL has more hand-shock, we’re all in trouble! LOL

From: texking
Date: 22-Mar-24

HHA... period.....

From: flint kemper
Date: 22-Mar-24

Well for what is worth. There is a Howard Hill bow and what Craig has produced over the years. I have seen both shot both including some of Jerry’s which my Dad owned and wish I still had my Dads Jerry Hill bow. The limbs were true and straight as were the nocks. I can say otherwise for the ones I have seen and shot from a Craig over the years. If you want a list of bowyers who build perfection I can give you a list. Recurve or Longbows. It is a whole lot more than slapping Fancy woods together and polishing it and getting it out the door.

From: RiverRat
Date: 22-Mar-24

"Some know. Most will never know"

And some know better.

From: Rick Barbee
Date: 22-Mar-24

[[[ "Some know. Most will never know"

And some know better. ]]]

You tell em Chuck. :-D


From: RiverRat
Date: 22-Mar-24

Who's Chuck?

From: Rick Barbee
Date: 22-Mar-24

LOL. As if you didn't know. :-P


From: Kelly
Date: 22-Mar-24

At least the bows from Howard Hill Archery are made by the owner, Craig Ekin. The others not so much as they are made by others!

From: Lastmohecken
Date: 22-Mar-24

What about Northern Mist? Does Steve not make all of his bows? Just asking, as I thought he did.

From: Kelly
Date: 23-Mar-24

Yes he does but we are not talking about Northern Mist bows as the title of this thread says Howard Hill vs Jerry Hill longbows.

From: pdk25
Date: 23-Mar-24

Man, this went south. I think the question from the OP was answered pretty quickly. Probably no reason to question Rick's integrity, especially when he was only talking about the builds and not singing the praises any bowyer, as far as I could read.

From: Draven
Date: 23-Mar-24

RiverRat, I am not friend of Jerry Hill and I am saying my opinion. You don’t want to hear my opinion on Northern Mist though: Baraga is a very expensive Bear Montana. It is MY OPINION! Just learn the people who have an opinion different than yours are not automatically wrong or have a hidden agenda. This BS attitude brought the woke mentality to power: “if you are not with me, you are against me”.

From: Keekeerun
Date: 23-Mar-24

Flint please share the list of perfection built longbows and recurve bows.

From: BenMaher
Date: 24-Mar-24


Just a further question , if we haven’t argued about on the Leatherwall , is it even worth having an opinion about it ? Did it even happen ?


From: Keekeerun
Date: 24-Mar-24

I wonder where on the list of perfect bows these bows rate?

Schafer silvertip Great Plains Black Widow Tall Tines Bear Great Northern Cascade Wes Wallace Big Jim Howard Hill Robertson Toelke

From: fdp
Date: 24-Mar-24

Perfection is completely subjective in bows just like in.amything else.

From: Butch 72
Date: 24-Mar-24

Three years ago Mt little Grandson was out in the backyard with a bow He made...a three foot long crooked dead oak limb the size of My thumb. the dead limb wouldn't bend and He snatched up some big industrial rubber bands I had to use for a string. He made some arrows from other sticks and when He drew the bow the rubber bands would shoot the arrows a good distance. His ingenuity is what got Me going after not shooting My Archery gear for more than twenty years. His little bow was as crude as can be but it shot an arrow.

From: Shootalot
Date: 24-Mar-24

I have owned five Jerry Hill bows and quite a few Howard Hill bows. From the years before Craig, all the Howard Hill bows seemed different from each other depending on who made them. Craig's bows have a better fit and finish than the Jerry Hill bows. Jerry Hill was making a lot of production type bows that were more for hunting than looks and were more affordable. Jerry's bows as a rule are a little more center shot. I have never noticed the hand shock thing except on a very early Howard Hill bow. I like the Jerry Hill bows better because I seem to shoot them better.

From: Stephan
Date: 28-Apr-24

Just read through all this and went to the sites. Can’t find Jerry Hill‘s page except a facebook page. Though I remember having visited a true website a while ago.

Maybe give a ASL a try one day ;-)

From: Stephan
Date: 28-Apr-24

Just read through all this and went to the sites. Can’t find Jerry Hill‘s page except a facebook page. Though I remember having visited a true website a while ago.

Maybe give a ASL a try one day ;-)

From: Jred
Date: 29-Apr-24

Rmsgear has 2 Wildcats for sale right now.

From: Longcruise
Date: 29-Apr-24

I was looking at a Jerry Hill at RMSG last week. Think it was a 60# plus. I was surprised to see that it had only two core lams. Is that typical? When I build a 50# ASL it's 4 or 5 core lams.

Not commenting on the shooting qualities. I've never shot a Jerry Hill bow.

From: fdp
Date: 29-Apr-24

"Is that typical?"....strictly depends who ya' ask......same with recurves.

There have been tons of good bows built both ways.

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